How to Help a Friend with a Check-In Phone Call

In an article we were reading recently about depression and the pandemic, we noticed the importance of “check-in calls.” Dr. Gary Sachs, from the Harvard Medical School, noted that not only are check-in phone calls helpful for those who receive them, they also help the people making the calls. After making a call, the caller [...]

April 27th, 2020|

Tri-County was instrumental in developing Mental Health KC conference

Mental Health Kansas City Metrowide Conference Our place of work is where we spend a third of our lives and many times we are defined by our jobs.  For example, we’re often asked: “What do you do?” And, the people we work with become more than just co-workers. Yet, mental health issues are traditionally considered [...]

May 11th, 2018|

Tri-County selected as part of national excellence in Mental Health initiative

Rebecca Farley, the Vice President of Advocacy and Policy from the National Council for Behavioral Health, met with Tri-County’s leadership and toured the facilities this month (April 2018). Tri-County was eager to demonstrate the implementation of recent changes made at the federal level for leading providers of mental health services. Tri-County has been a part [...]

April 25th, 2018|
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