In the digital age of Covid-19, many feel that our days are packed full of screens, whether it be for work, for school, for reading, or for play. Although we may be interacting with others online or in Zoom calls, these can still leave us feeling isolated and lonely.
As caring adults, parents, and educators, it is our job to be the stability our children and students need during the unpredictable times of the pandemic. The children and students in our lives often reflect our emotions- when we are stressed, so are they,….but how can we provide stability and care for ourselves while we may be feeling unstable?
How about trying something new and creative? Here are 6 tips for students and teachers to remain physically distant while being emotionally close.
- Add patterned activities throughout the day to reset the nervous system (doodle, take a walk, or turn the pages of a book)
- Engage the senses (sight, taste, smell, touch, sound) to regulate your body- pet an animal, doodle, play with silly putty, light a candle
- Practice the craft of weaving with simple materials (see video)
- Practice the 20-20-20 rule on Zoom: 20 mins of Zoom, 20 seconds to look across the room, do an action 20 times (try jumping jacks or petting an animal)
- Be creative with your masks: tell your students you see them and you accept them
- Make a postcard to send to a fellow classmate or your student to tell them you care
Remember just because we are distant, we still have each other. We’re in this together!
Check out tutorials, research about adult/child relationships, and more from Tri-County Mental Health art therapist, Theresa Hitchcock in this video.
Need some extra support?
Show Me Hope is here to help. It’s anonymous, and it’s free.
Disaster Distress Hotline: 1-800-985-5990
Tri-County Mental Health: 816-468-0400